Our next event is a concert with a difference.

It is on Sunday April 28th when we invite our audience to hear half an hour of our rehearsal before listening to our concert of music for instrumentalists and for unaccompanied choir. 


The big work in the programme is Mozart’s wonderful Serenade for wind octet, K375, in which Camerata Salicium will consist of young professional players, local amateurs and school students. It is part of our outreach activity to encourage young instrumentalists and in this instance they have the opportunity to play alongside professional musicians.

Choral works include pieces by Palestrina, Tchaikovsky, Guererro, Saint Saens and Stanford, whose centenary falls this year, his short but beautiful work ‘The Blue Bird’ for solo soprano and choir.

Do come and hear us in this delightful programme. 

Entrance is free, though we do encourage donations.


Cantores salicium is a chamber choir based in the Yorkshire Dales. From its modest start in 2007 when a group of people sang unaccompanied choral works around the kitchen table, the choir has developed into an established group of twenty members.

Based in Long Preston, but drawing on singers from the surrounding area, we give at least two concerts each year in the Craven area of the Yorkshire Dales, a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols each Christmas, and a special service of music and readings for Lent in the beautiful Priory Church at Bolton Abbey.

Registered Charity No. 1194200

“This is an excellent choir, characterised throughout……..by an impressively assured technique, a wonderful clarity of tone, great variety of dynamic and immaculate diction.”     David Chapman

“The sunshine streaming through the stained glass windows of Bolton Priory combined with the readings and Mozart’s Requiem performed by Cantores Salicium created something unique and so beautiful”.

“the choir’s clarity of diction enabled them to handle the difficult counterpoint sections with precision.”Barbara Cilgram

“I urge all who have the chance, go and see Cantores Salicium, they were superb.” Andrew Campbell

“It was a treat for the ears from the very start…. ”  Allan Evans